25 Aug 2011

Wedding Portrait with a Twist

Not being one for tradition I thought I'd create a wedding portrait with a twist. I loved the natural pose of the couple but wanted to add a little bit more of a gritty edge. Being a bit of  a Banksy fan I took some inspiration and worked a graffiti style basis to the Picture.
Knowing the couple in question helped focus my ideas. Their actual wedding was not your typical stuffy wedding. It had character, energy, originality and fun. That's not to say those little intriguing details got missed. They even thought to put the bacon and eggs in the fridge for their staying guests breakfast - Magic!
I wanted to create something that took on the energy of the actual day. To me it was like being at a mini festival - the set up included a massive tipi, live music, a pizza van, and some fun and exciting people - all of which went to creating a vibrant but relaxed atmosphere. The only real difference was that I didn't see one pair of wellies and the toilets remained rather fresh.
Using layers in photoshop I built the picture up with a mixture of colour backed by the stark background of the wall. To keep focus on the couple I changed the threshold to create that Banksy portrait effect. I think they liked it and that's what matters I guess!