25 Jan 2011

Less is more...

Staring at the white blank screen is a daunting place to start a new instalment of your blog. But once the first few words appear and begin to fill the page the fear eases and creativity flows. Some may call it ramblings of a person with too much time on their hands but I beg to differ.

This is how I felt when starting my last project. My brief was to "enlarge it and I'll leave it with you". My first thoughts were pure panic. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, so the saying goes, and what I think would look great others may consider a step too far. But what I’d neglected to take into consideration initially was that the customer had given me a photo they already loved. It was a memory for them. The more I studied the picture the more I began to realise that actually less was probably going to be more. The actual quality of the photo was of no significant consequence. They were just after a permanent visual reminder of that day.

After much deliberating I decided on a simple process of bringing out the main subject of the photo by dulling the background of colour. The image was crying out to be printed on canvas. This would give a feeling of a piece of art and not just a photograph.  A few smaller adjustments here and there but you get the picture! – ha haa get it….picture……photograph…..anyway, here it is. Before and After.

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